The end of the journey 1
You shalt guide me with your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
You in your mercy has led forth the people which you has redeemed. you has guided them in your strength to your holy habitation. ■ You shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance, in the place, Oh Lord, which you has made for you to dwell in, in the Sanctuary, Oh Lord, which your hands have established. ■ Lord, now let you your servant depart in peace, according to your word: For mine eyes have seen your salvation,
[Ex15:13 | Ex15:17 | Lu2:29-30]
Not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you. all are come to pass to you, and not one thing has failed thereof.
And he blessed Joseph, and said. God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long to this day, ■ In your presence is fulness of joy. at your right hand there are pleasures for evermore. ■ Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
[Ge48:15 | Ps16:11 | Ps23:6]